

The JFF in Brief
Since 1949 the JFF has been investigating how younger generations deal with media through research and practical experience.
The media usage of adolescents and promoting media competence has been the starting point for JFF activities in the fields of research and pedagogical work for more than 60 years.
Combining empirical research and educational practice is characteristic of the work of JFF. Research results form the basis of educational schemes for educational, developmental, and cultural work with children and adolescents.
These research activities are reciprocally supplemented by educational practice.

Educational Practice
The JFF promotes media literacy amongst adolescents through active media work, and develops media educational concepts for all fields of education.

Pilot Projects
The JFF is committed to examining current social and media educational issues in the form of pilot projects. Based on an action-oriented, holistic approach to active media work, we draft, test, evaluate, and publish innovative practical concepts as models. In this context, we focus on different target groups from all fields of education, as well as the whole spectrum of the media.
The institute’s regular festivals, such as the Bavarian Youth Film Festival JuFinale or the Kinderfotopreis (Children’s Photo Award), provide young people with an audience. We also organize special Festivals for Migrants such like My-Welcomeguide and “Kino Asyl”., for which the institute won the Dieter-Baacke-Preis, organized by the GMK. These festivals organized by the JFF in cooperation with diverse partners. They allow children and adolescents the opportunity to discuss their craft with experts and gain public recognition of their work. The JFF is active in regional and Germany-wide media education networks such as Inter@ktiv – a communal framework in Munich – and FRAME, a network of German-speaking media centers. Both share the institute’s dedication to establishing media education structures, concepts, and models in youth work.